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No New Coal: New Source Performance Standards Don’t Clear the Air

The current administration continues to push for cleaner air. That means reducing carbon emissions according to the 2009 EPA ruling that defines carbon dioxide as an air pollutant. It should be no surprise then, that the New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) on newly constructed power utilities reduces allowable carbon emissions. The new emission levels, however,Continue reading “No New Coal: New Source Performance Standards Don’t Clear the Air”

The Political Economy of Environmental Collapse

Madren Conference Center Clemson University Clemson South Carolina April 12–15, 2012 Directed by Rob Fleck and Andy Hanssen Agenda Participants Papers Introduction The objective of the conference is to examine whether (and why or why not) environmental change causes societies to collapse, as famously hypothesized by Jared Diamond, and how that depends (if so) onContinue reading “The Political Economy of Environmental Collapse”

Solving New Zealand Biodiversity Decline, One Possum Pelt at a Time

The invasive possum, or paihamu, now occupies more than 99 percent of New Zealand. Introduced from Australia in 1837 from British immigrants hoping to kick start the fur industry, 50 to 70 million possums are now wreaking havoc on the ecology of the island nation. Without any natural predators, the possums eat 20,000 tons ofContinue reading “Solving New Zealand Biodiversity Decline, One Possum Pelt at a Time”