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A Prize for Ocean Cleanup

Last month, the X-Prize Foundation announced the winners of the Wendy Schmidt Oil Cleanup Challenge.  The challenge was created to spur the development of more effective oil spill cleanup methods.  Specifically, the challenge offered $1.4 million in prizes for the development of removing oil from the ocean’s surface.  The aim was to double the industry’s best oil recovery rate inContinue reading “A Prize for Ocean Cleanup”

Myths About Population

Global population is believed to top 7 billion. Is this a problem? Does 7 billion people constitute “overpopulation”? Nicholas Eberstadt doesn’t think so. In today’s Washington Post, Eberstadt punctures five “myths” about global population. The myths: The world is overpopulated. Rapid population growth keeps poor countries poor. For all its ethical problems, China’s one-child policy boosts its economy. IfContinue reading “Myths About Population”

Beyond Politics

I never really understood “political economy” until I read Beyond Politics: Markets, Welfare, and the Failure of Bureaucracy some 15 years ago. The simple but powerful preface includes the following by Randy Simmons and William Mitchell: Politics and economics cannot be separated. Economies do not exist in a vacuum and neither do politics. Political systems shape, sometimes control, andContinue reading “Beyond Politics”

Institutions, Resource Use, and Economic Prosperity for North American Indians

  Institutions, Resource Use, and Economic Prosperity for North American Indians Lewis & Clark Law School, Portland, Oregon November 2–5, 2011 Directed by Terry L. Anderson and Dominic P. Parker Agenda Participants Papers Overview For the past 30 years, PERC has fostered research on property rights and institutions in general and on how these factorsContinue reading “Institutions, Resource Use, and Economic Prosperity for North American Indians”