When citizens request that their governments do more than it is possible, net benefits are reduced, costs are increased, and wealth and freedom are diminished
Author Archives: admin
PERC’s Lone Mountain Fellows are an impressive group
This special issue is dedicated to PERC’s Lone Mountain Fellows who are as impressive as Lone Mountain (featured on the cover), which towers over PERC at 11,166 feet.
Comments on PERC Reports Summer 2011
A Solution in Search of a problem Thanks to Spencer Banzhaf for his article, “The Case for Cap-and-Trade” as a market application to fossil fuel use. Certainly, once a cap-and-trade system is operating, prices would be set by market trading, responding either to pricing (or taxing) emissions; or setting a quota on allowable emissions. TheContinue reading “Comments on PERC Reports Summer 2011”
From Green Energy Revolution to Green Gridlock
“Green energy” generation is being curtailed, delayed, or prohibited due to competing environmental goals. For example wind turbines are killing endangered bats.
A market-ready solution for Las Vegas water
To keep the water running in LasVegas, recognize scarcity and let water rates rise– double or even triple. Encourage homeowners to trade water rights. Let the market determine how much water people use, not the water police.
How Will We Adapt to Climate Change?
Capitalism’s creative solutions for a changing climate.
Designing Rights-Based Fisheries Programs
Can market forces balance efficiency-equity tradeoffs in marine fisheries?
Road Congestion and Its Implications for Transportation Policy
New roads create more demand for driving.
Another Setback for Cape Wind
In 2002, federal reguators predicted it would take between 18-months and three-years for the proposed Cape Wind energy project in Nantucket Sound to receive federal approval. Nearly ten years later, the project is still awaiting full federal clearance, and has yet to begin construction. Full operation remains at least two years away. On Friday, the CapeContinue reading “Another Setback for Cape Wind”
A Decade to Determine Nothing
The Clinton administration signed off on the Roadless Rule [PDF] in 2001 to preserve 58.5 million acres of national forest land by preventing road construction, reconstruction, and timber harvest. The lands designated for roadless protection were inventoried in the 1970s to determine their merit for inclusion into the National Wilderness system. Some are now Wilderness; the restContinue reading “A Decade to Determine Nothing”