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Human Adaptation to Climate Change

Bozeman, Montana July 31 – August 2, 2010 Directed by Daniel Benjamin, Matthew Turner, and Matthew Kahn Agenda Papers Introduction A PERC Lone Mountain Forum titled “Human Adaptation to Climate Change,” will be held July 31–August 2, 2011, at the PERC office in Bozeman, Montana.                      The focus of the ForumContinue reading “Human Adaptation to Climate Change”

Forests and Wildfires: A Carbon Source or Sink?

Forests are a valuable part of the global carbon cycle. They hold the largest stock of terrestrial carbon on earth, mostly stored in living trees. Forests absorb, or sequester, carbon during photosynthesis. More carbon is absorbed in younger trees during faster growth phases. Carbon is emitted in decomposition and when wood is burned. Net carbonContinue reading “Forests and Wildfires: A Carbon Source or Sink?”

Ownership Encourages Stewardship: A Look at Stream Access in the West

High Country News reports on stream access laws in the West and provides the updated chart below, which originally appeared in PERC Reports: Recent attempts to limit Montana’s Stream Access Law, the most permissive in the West, have reignited debates over the impact of access laws. The Michell Slough in Montana’s Bitterroot Valley, once considered an irrigation ditch, has featuredContinue reading “Ownership Encourages Stewardship: A Look at Stream Access in the West”

Lessons Learned in Rights-Based Fisheries Management

PERC’s latest workshop begins today on the lessons learned in rights-based fisheries management. Fisheries experts from around the world have arrived to discuss the most recent research being conducted on rights-based approaches to fisheries management — approaches that have proven to halt, or even reverse, the global trends toward overfishing. For the past few decades, PERC’sContinue reading “Lessons Learned in Rights-Based Fisheries Management”

Don’t Buy ‘More People, More Problems’

Mary Ellen Harte and Anne Ehrlich write,“Unsustainable population levels are depleting resources and denying a decent future to our descendants. We must stop the denial.” We are in denial for a reason. For more than 40 years, climaxing around the first Earth Day, the public has been bombarded with apocalyptic tales of disaster regarding populationContinue reading “Don’t Buy ‘More People, More Problems’”