“Chevron Guilty of Polluting the Amazon” reported Greenpeace on its website in February. Chevron was ordered by a court in Ecuador to pay $9.5 billion in damages for injuries imposed on people and the environment in Ecuador from its oil operation. Does Greenpeace think “justice” is likely in Ecuador? It is one of the mostContinue reading “The devil’s black gold”
Author Archives: admin
Think Local: When and for Which Environmental Problems?
Matching the size of government to the size of the problem
Cheap water, deadly water
Waterborne diseases are responsible for 20 percent of deaths in children under the age of five. Microbes such as E. coli found in fecal matter cause diarrhea that kills by dehydrating its victims. Such organisms are routinely found in the springs, wells, lakes, and rivers used as water sources in the developing world. Naturally-occurring springs,Continue reading “Cheap water, deadly water”
The Promise and Problems of Free Market Environmentalism
Free market environmentalism has a lot to offer, but Kolstad says the case for FME is weaker when dealing with environmental goods such as clean air.
Not Your Typical Day In Treepod Park
Artificial trees do the job of real trees – removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
Keep your eye on the sky
Airships, similar to blimps, may be the future of cargo transport.
A Few Ferrates Could Change the World
An ancient technology to purify water meets modern water needs.
Closed to Raise Revenues
The threat of park closures is part of the state budget crunch package. Just over one-third (36 percent) of the average state park system is funded by state general funds, a slightly larger share (39 percent) is park generated, and the remainder is often from special funds dedicated for park use (see here). Because park fundingContinue reading “Closed to Raise Revenues”
The Case for Cap-And-Trade
Banzhaf argues that free market environmentalists should applaud the cap-and-trade approach over more government regulation.
Reconciling economics and ecology
“In times of change learners inherit the earth; while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.” —Eric Hoffer Modern environmentalism and neo-classical economics have more in common than one might think. First, they are linked by a focus on equilibrium models. Many environmentalists view nature undisturbed byContinue reading “Reconciling economics and ecology”