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The Last Best Place for Summer Research

          Application deadlines for PERC’s summer programs are quickly approaching. Spend part of your summer in Bozeman, Montana, with these great PERC programs: Undergraduate Colloquium Graduate Fellowship Enviropreneur Institute Lone Mountain Fellowship Julian Simon Fellowship Media Fellowship Click on the program to find out more information. All programs offer a stipendContinue reading “The Last Best Place for Summer Research”

Four reasons the east is in deep water

by Chris Corbin I specialize in western water markets. Even so, I am currently working on a project in 9 eastern states. This project has made me realize the eastern United States will face some serious water challenges.  This isn’t the first time I’ve made this observation; it has just become that obvious to me.  And,Continue reading “Four reasons the east is in deep water”

Prosperity, Pollution, and Public Choice

by Holly Fretwell Last week the Wall Street Journal printed a debate between Peter Singer and Bjorn Lomborg discussing the potential of reducing poverty while enhancing the environment. Both ignore the reality of public choice issues. First, it is important to understand the correlation between poverty and environmental degradation. Lomborg explains this well and has spent decadesContinue reading “Prosperity, Pollution, and Public Choice”

Happy Holidays

[vimeo 8043373] As PERC begins its fourth decade of improving environmental quality through property rights and markets, please consider lending us a hand. And from all of us at PERC, thanks for making 2010 such a great year. We have much to look forward to in 2011!