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Create a world of opportunity for future generations

A legacy gift is a tremendous gesture of hope—a belief in a better future beyond our own lives. This hope is no idle wish: It’s grounded in the concrete steps we take. We hope that the world we leave our descendants will be better because of the actions we take now. A similar spirit of hopeful optimism guides PERC’s philosophy and activities.

Living a life of purpose

Sherman “Sherm” Ewing Jr. and his wife, Claire, lived long and fruitful lives in the open spaces of the West.

Originally hailing from Minneapolis, Sherm studied economics and agriculture at Yale and Cornell after serving his country during World War II. Drawn by an opportunity to ranch in the West, in 1955, Claire and Sherm loaded up the children, dogs, saddlehorses, and “settlers’ effect” and moved to the SN Ranch in Alberta, Canada. There, they raised three kids, became stewards of the land, and spent the best years of their lives. 

When it came time to leave the ranch in the capable hands of their son, Sherm and Claire retired to Great Falls, Montana, spending their time extensively documenting stories of ranching and the range. Through this activity, and through the friendships the Ewings developed with scientists, veterinarians, and other ranchers, Sherm became a close friend of PERC, referring to it as “one of the greatest treasures in Montana.”

Having lived a life of remarkable accomplishment, guided by principles of hard work and unwavering commitment, Sherm found in PERC an organization that shared both his love of the outdoors and his pursuit of opportunity. We were deeply honored and grateful when he and Claire planned a generous bequest to PERC. We are investing the Ewing’s gift, as they requested, in research and fellowships dedicated to improving environmental quality through property rights and markets.

Sherm passed away at his family’s Alberta ranch in 2012 at the age of 88; he was preceded by Claire. As members of PERC’s Legacy Society, Sherm and Claire Ewing will continue to conserve and improve the lands they loved.

A gift for the ages

Those who choose to make a planned gift to PERC become members of PERC’s Legacy Society and join with other generous supporters who have demonstrated an extraordinary commitment to advancing creative conservation. Legacy Society members receive acknowledgment in PERC’s printed materials each year, regular updates and visits from PERC leadership, and invitations to special events.

Here is your country. Cherish these natural wonders, cherish the natural resources, cherish the history and romance as a sacred heritage, for your children and your children’s children. Do not let selfish men or greedy interests skin your country of its beauty, its riches or its romance.

– Theodore Roosevelt

We’re here to help

If you would like to discuss this option further please contact our Chief Operating Officer Rupert Munro.

PERC Contact

Rupert Munro