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The North American Model of Wildlife Conservation

[…] called the “form, function, and successes” of wildlife management in the United States and Canada. From a historical perspective, the North American conservation approach was revolutionary. It freed wildlife from private control so it could be managed by government for the benefit of present and future generations. Sustainable public use became the foundation of […]

Published on: June 19, 2019

Rethinking the North American Wildlife Model

[…] law enforcement and science-based management married with a conservation ethic. And the hunter-led model has provided its share of success stories, with rebounding game and non-game populations, reliable funding sources for conservation, and extensive habitat protection. Three great challenges face the North American Wildlife Model in the 21st century. If we want our wildlife […]

Published on: June 19, 2019

Whitetail Wars

On pitfalls in managing overabundant wildlife.

Published on: June 19, 2019

The Broken Promise of the Grizzly

[…] communities, we’ve also seen grizzlies on the road to our family cabin in Paradise Valley. And I’ve been backcountry with Yellowstone National Park’s lead bear manager to study and track the park’s majestic and charismatic grizzlies, including an occasion where we were charged by a big boar grizzly we awoke from a nap. All […]

Published on: June 19, 2019


Examples of free market environmentalism in action.

Published on: June 19, 2019

A Lesson from Africa

Namibia provides a lens to examine the merits of local control of wildlife.

Published on: June 19, 2019

The Vegetarian’s Dilemma

[…] can help incorporate conservationists like me into the model by empowering us to express our values while also contributing directly to conservation. Consider the response to Wyoming’s planned grizzly hunt after the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem grizzly was declared recovered under the Endangered Species Act—a determination which is the subject of ongoing litigation. Outraged, non-hunting […]

Published on: June 19, 2019

Property Rights: Conservationists’ Most Effective Tool

[…] problem. Many fisheries have adopted systems that use catch shares, which set an ecologically sustainable harvest quota and then divvy it up into tradable portions. A landmark study in Science looked at 11,000 fisheries and found that catch shares hold the potential to halt or even reverse the collapse of fisheries. By deferring to […]

Published on: June 13, 2019

The Clean Water Act’s Murky Regulation Poses Problems

In February, the Supreme Court agreed to decide whether the federal Clean Water Act regulates pollutants that migrate through groundwater. The case concerns a Maui water treatment plant, which injects treated wastewater into the ground. Recently, it was discovered that the wastewater migrated from the injection wells, to groundwater, and out to the Pacific Ocean. Traditionally, the Clean Water Act […]

Published on: June 5, 2019