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The Three Ws and Beyond

Research at PERC has historically focused on the three Ws: water, wildlife, and western lands. New initiatives examine energy innovations, urban environmental issues, and more.

Published on: June 8, 2016

Myth: Burning Ivory Discourages Poaching

[…] African countries that embrace property rights and allow communities to profit legally from wildlife, namely South Africa and Namibia, populations are booming. Elsewhere, they are in a free fall. Property rights and legal trade help protect imperiled species like elephants and rhinos by giving local communities an incentive to invest in their conservation. When […]

Published on: May 9, 2016

5 Myths about the Land and Water Conservation Fund

Amid political rhetoric over the reauthorization of the Land and Water Conservation Fund, several misconceptions have emerged about how it works and what purpose it serves. In this PERC Policy Brief, we address common misconceptions about the program and offer several ideas for reform.

Published on: April 28, 2016

TBT: A Free Market Earth Day

Nearly 50 years after the first Earth Day, we continue to face environmental problems. This year, instead of looking for government involvement, let’s celebrate market-based solutions.

Published on: April 21, 2016

Myth: Taxpayers Should Not Pay National Parks Fees

[…] we oppose paying to maintain the national parks we claim to cherish so deeply. Whether that opposition is rooted in the belief that public parks should be free or that, by paying our taxes, we have already paid our fair share, the result is the same: our national parks have become a crowded and […]

Published on: April 18, 2016