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Down on the urban farm

Some farmers go to work on a tractor and some drive a truck, but in San Francisco and a growing roster of other American cities, farmers hop the bus to work or show up on their bicycles with their hoes in tow.

Published on: June 1, 2009

What’s your wattage

Let’s face it. Even in a world where we share the intimate details of our lives online, some things are still private.

Published on: June 1, 2009

7 Myths About Green Jobs

This policy series is a summary of a larger study analyzing green jobs claims made by various special interest groups. The authors find that the claims are based on myths.

Published on: May 12, 2009

Review: Greener Than Thou

[…] executive director of the Property and Environment Reseach Center-PERC, a leading think tank in environmental policy and author of several books, among them the best seller ” Free Market Environmentalism”. His new book, “Greener than thou, are you really an environmentalist” (Hoover Institutions Press, 146 pp. 2008) co-authored with Laura Huggins is worth reading. […]

Published on: April 6, 2009

Creating Marine Assets: Property Rights in Ocean Fisheries

DOWNLOAD THE FULL REPORT A thousand years ago, Mark Krulansky reports in his book Cod, Basque fishermen were engaged in international fishing. And they were not the first to exploit the cod stocks off the coasts of Greenland and Canada; the Vikings had been involved in the race to fish before that. Regardless […]

Published on: March 25, 2009

Native Americans Need the Rule of Law

[…] their economic opportunities, health care and education. Two vital steps in this direction are to strengthen property rights and the rule of law on reservations. Virtually every study of international development shows that both of these are crucial to prosperity. Indian country is no different. The effect of insecure property rights is evident on […]

Published on: March 16, 2009