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Joe Whitworth

With more than a decade of senior non-governmental organization (NGO) experience, primarily in education, Mr. Whitworth assumed the directorship of Oregon Trout in the fall of 2000.  Oregon Trout is the oldest wild fish conservation group in the Pacific Northwest, and its mission is to protect and restore native fish and the ecosystems upon which they depend.  Mr. Whitworth holds a juris doctor from the Northwestern School of Law of Lewis and Clark College an A.B. from Dartmouth College. 

Mr. Whitworth’s expertise lies in the Endangered Species Act, water law, and public lands law.  As an advocate for wild fish, Mr. Whitworth has published articles on natural resource issues in both popular and legal journals.  His most recent academic work, A Relic Dam Dislodged by a Dormant Doctrine: the Story of Beneficial Use and Savage Rapids Dam, is published in the Fall 2001 University of Denver Water Law Review.