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Kelly Miller

Since July 1999 Kelly has worked for American Rivers – a national, non-profit conservation organization dedicated to protecting and restoring the nation’s rivers.  Kelly is the Associate Director of Water Resources and works on a national campaign to reform the Army Corps of Engineers – primarily as a grassroots coordinator for the Corps Reform Network and policy analyst.  Kelly is currently authoring a Citizen’s Guide to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, drawing on her experience of working with groups from across the country on various Corps projects and policy issues.  While her love of databases and esoteric Corps guidance and policy is renowned at American Rivers, Kelly is also pursuing her other educational interests, such as ecological economics, while working on her Masters of Science in Natural Resources from Virginia Tech.  Kelly graduated from the Public Honors College, St. Mary’s College of Maryland, with a B.A. in Biology and a B.A. in Economics.  Before coming to American Rivers, Kelly worked as a Research Assistant for the Economics Department at St. Mary’s studying environmental externalities; a Water Quality Analyst at the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory in Solomon’s Island, Maryland and at a Virginia power plant; and conducted research in Glover’s Reef, Belize of marine species’ chemical defense mechanisms.