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Nnaemeka Ikeqwuonu

Nnaemeka Ikegwuonu is a leading social entrepreneur and Executive Director of The Smallholders Foundation, a social development organization based in Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria. The organization promotes sustainable agricultural development and environmental conservation beneficial to rural poor small farmers, through educational radio programs and field practical demonstrations.

Ikeqwuonu holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in History and International Studies form Imo State University, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria and a Masters in Development and Cooperation from Institute for Advanced Studies, The University of Pavia, Italy. 

Through his organization, The Smallholder Farmers Rural Radio (Farm 98.0 FM), Nnaemeka develops and broadcasts 10 hours daily agricultural, environmental management and market information radio programs in the local Igbo Language radio which informs, educates and improves the economic and environmental management capacity of 250,000 small farmer listeners living in 3 local catchment areas of Imo State, Nigeria.

Since, 2007 65% of his radio program present listeners have increased their agricultural yield by 50% and their household income by 45%.