All Research:
Healthy Public and Private Lands
PERC Launches New Conservation Innovation Lab
Conservationist Travis Brammer to lead new home for groundbreaking field projects that prototype creative solutions to protect land, water, and wildlife.
Critical Habitat Designations Should Focus on the Greatest Conservation Benefit
A public comment submitted to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on the proposed listing and designating critical habitat rule.
A Blanket 4(d) Rule Doesn’t Incentivize Recovery
A public comment submitted to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service opposing the proposed reinstatement of the “blanket rule.”
Grizzly Conflict Reduction Grazing Agreement
Conservation groups support ranchers’ innovative approach to reduce conflict with at-risk wildlife
Missing the Mark
How the Endangered Species Act Falls Short of Its Own Recovery Goals
The ESA Should Be Reformed to Better Incentivize Recovery Efforts
A testimony submitted to the U.S. House Natural Resources Committee on its hearing “The Endangered Species Act at 50.”
Environmental Markets Should Guide Federal Land Use
Allowing markets to operate on federal land would be a win-win for free markets and for the environment.
To Make Conservation Leasing Work, BLM Must Respect Current Lease Holders and Embrace Markets
PERC’s public comment on the Bureau of Land Managements Proposed Conservation and Landscape Health Rule
New Conservation License Supports State Lands
The new conservation license is the opportunity for us to collectively invest in the places that make our community so special.