All Research:
Healthy Public and Private Lands
PERC Launches Brucellosis Compensation Fund with Partners to Support Ranchers Who Provide Elk Habitat
At a time of rapid regional growth and fragmentation as a result of development, supporting large, working cattle ranches by minimizing the impact of brucellosis is an urgent priority for habitat conservation.
Testimony on Overcrowding in National Parks
There is no “one size fits all” solution to accommodate crowding at parks. Park superintendents should have the flexibility to respond creatively with solutions best suited for their individual parks.
Whose Land Is it Anyway?
A podcast about contentious access issues in the West.
Performance-Based Wildlife Conservation Must Be Financially Sustainable
While the approach is a step in the right direction, it may be only a half measure toward providing countries with sufficient conservation funding to operate resilient programs.
Adoption Is a Vital Tool for Wild Horses
We can’t adopt our way out of the wild horse crisis, but continuing the Adoption Incentive Program is a far better solution than leaving animals to suffer on deteriorating rangelands.
Public Comment on Minimizing Transaction Costs for Mitigation Banking
The Service should consider how it can enhance the work of mitigation banks and shift the approach from mitigating development to directly rewarding conservation.
Water, Eagles, and Wildfire
A podcast about the role of markets in conserving eagles and water, and how litigation stymies forest restoration work.
A Trophy-Hunting Ban Could Hurt Animals More Than It Helps
A proposed congressional ban would starve conservation agencies of revenue.
Free Market Conservation and Environmental Optimism
A podcast on how markets can be harnessed to improve environmental quality.