All Research:
Healthy Public and Private Lands
How Will We Pay For the Land and Water Conservation Fund?
As policymakers seek permanent funding for conservation and recreation, the challenge will be to find other, more dependable funding sources to sustain outdoor recreation and conservation.
Coronavirus Pandemic Highlights the Vulnerability of African Wildlife Conservation
The crisis brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic, and its impact on the tourism industry, gives us the opportunity to see the vulnerabilities of conservation models more clearly.
Fix America’s Forests
RESEARCH INITIATIVE: Reduce the hurdles and increase the opportunities for restoration efforts to enhance resilience on national forest lands.
The Future of Outdoor Recreation Funding
RESEARCH INITIATIVE: How will we meet the recreational demands of the 21st century?
Rethinking the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation
RESEARCH INITIATIVE: New challenges require new solutions for wildlife management.
Give Conservationists a Seat at the Natural Resources Table
RESEARCH INITIATIVE: Opening up the bidding processes for resource management on public lands would promote conservation where it is valued higher than other uses.
Conserving Migration Corridors in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
RESEARCH INITIATIVE: Creating incentives can make migratory wildlife a benefit, not a burden, for the private landowners who provide critical habitat.
Endangered Species Bear the Costs of Bad Incentives
Free market environmentalism offers many ways to better align the incentives of landowners with the interests of rare species.
Market Solutions to Environmental Problems
A podcast on the merits of free market environmentalism.