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Healthy Public and Private Lands
New Endangered Species Policy Will Protect Both Property Rights and Rare Frogs
There’s no need to pit property owners against imperiled species.
Cato Daily Podcast: Grizzly Bears and Endangered Species Recovery
A podcast on the changes necessary to make the Endangered Species Act more effective at recovering species.
The Endangered Species Act’s Road to Recovery
The Department of the Interior announces reforms, supported by PERC research, to improve wildlife recovery under the Endangered Species Act.
Cato Daily Podcast: Trophy Hunting and African Development
A podcast on the changing African economies and what it means for wildlife conservation.
Insuring a Future for Apex Predators
Turning wildlife from liabilities into assets with private insurance.
PERC Research Fellow Proposes Solution to Conserve International Wildlife
Catherine Semcer testifies before Congress on the role of international hunting in conserving African wildlife.
The Role of Hunting in Conserving African Wildlife
Catherine Semcer’s testimony before the U.S. House Natural Resources Committee on the “CECIL Act.”
What Happened to the ‘Bee-pocalypse’?
A new study explores how pollination markets saved the bees.
Overlooked Conservation Opportunities
Can cities contribute more to conservation?