All Research:
Healthy Public and Private Lands
Grizzly Bear Recovery and Management
Jonathan Wood’s testimony before the U.S. House Natural Resources Committee on the “Tribal Heritage and Grizzly Bear Protection Act.”
PERC Research Fellow Offers Solutions on the Future of Grizzly Bears
Jonathan Wood testifies before Congress about best practices for managing delisted bears.
Cato Daily Podcast: How the Endangered Species Act Works (and Doesn’t)
A podcast on the successes and failures of the Endangered Species Act.
A Bug’s Life
The American burying beetle’s recovery should be a cause for celebration, not alarm.
Urbane Cowboys Podcast: Earth Day with Holly Fretwell
A podcast about free market environmentalism.
This Earth Day, Try Conservation Optimism
Earth Day is a moment to celebrate the gains of conservation and the natural world.
During National Park Week, Remember that Our Parks Need Our Help
With creative approaches we can fill our parks’ financial hole and keep from digging a new one.
The Option Value of Conservation
Is a tree more valuable if harvested now, in a decade, or not at all? These questions tee up the issue of option value.
PBS: Brian Yablonski on Grizzlies, Wolves, and the Endangered Species Act
An interview with PBS on predator conservation in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.