All Research:
Healthy Public and Private Lands
A Breakthrough for Wild Horses in the West?
Using ideas from PERC research, the BLM recently announced a new program to increase wild horse adoptions.
Protecting Wild Horses Will Take a Wild Idea
Incentive payments to promote wild horse and burro adoptions will benefit the animals, our rangelands, and taxpayers.
Will Environmental Regulations Become More Common as Wildfires Worsen?
Environmentalists have something to gain from reducing unnecessary permit burdens.
Property Rights Are For Everyone—Even American Prairie Reserve
To attack APR’s property rights — or to use state resources to formally rebuke the good-faith efforts of a law-abiding conservation organization — is to undermine the property rights of everyone.
Why Congress, Not the President, Should Lead on Environmental Protection
When Congress makes environmental decisions the outcome will likely reflect more consensus and compromise than when the executive branch decides.
Reining in the Wild Horse Crisis
RESEARCH INITIATIVE: Market-based solutions can help alleviate the wild horse crisis on western public lands.
Conserving African Wildlife
Statement prepared by Catherine Semcer and presented by Hannah Downey for the U.S. Department of the Interior’s International Wildlife Conservation Council on market approaches for wildlife conservation in Africa.
What Makes Conservation “Collaborative”?
Incentives and voluntary cooperation are a win-win for the greater sage grouse.
Bureaucratic Overhead: What Share of Species’ Funding Should Go to Red Tape?
An alternative idea on how to best spend money to conserve endangered species.