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Healthy Public and Private Lands
Why Grizzly Bear Hunting Season Isn’t Happening
State tools are better suited for sustaining wildlife populations than the judge’s gavel.
What are “Reasonable Efforts” to Restore Habitat?
Supreme Court argument highlights the importance of who pays to recover species.
The Dusky Gopher Frog’s Day in Court
How we got to today’s Supreme Court endangered species case.
The Feds Bungle Frog Hospitality
Government efforts to save a rare amphibian species have skewed incentives for conservation.
Should Dried Up Ponds Limit Property Rights?
The yearslong dispute over a frog demonstrates how the Endangered Species Act has failed wildlife and private property owners alike.
Endangered Frog’s Survival Depends on Making Landowners Friends Not Foes
Maybe it’s a sign of our times that the Supreme Court’s next case could hinge on something so obscure as whether five ponds in southeastern Louisiana stay wet year-round.
Endangered Species as Assets Instead of Liabilities
RESEARCH INITIATIVE: Rare species must benefit rather than burden the private landowners who provide essential habitat for them.
Modernization of the Endangered Species Act
Jonathan Wood’s testimony before the U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources.
Written Comment on U.S. Support for Reforms to Botswana’s Wildlife Sector
Proposed reforms to Botswana’s wildlife sector will serve the conservation and regional security interests of both Botswana and the United States.