All Research:
Healthy Public and Private Lands
Secretary Zinke Recommends Modifying Ten National Monuments
After an intense, months-long review of national monuments, Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke delivered his report with recommendations to President Trump.
Contracting for Conservation
As public land battles simmer, a new private model emerges to pay ranchers to conserve wildlife.
Land Of Many Uses Or No Uses?
It is time to return to the BLM motto—“land of many uses”—not land of no uses.
The Valles Caldera Experiment
You Can’t Drag Them Away
Tribal Co-management of the Bears Ears National Monument
There are several ways Congress and the Interior Department could now implement formal co-management on Bears Ears National Monument.
Can Property Rights Fight Forest Fires and Facilitate Conservation?
PERC Reports: The Future of Public Lands
All is not well on America’s public lands.
Are higher entrance fees the fix for overcrowded national parks?
Charging visitors more could help cut crowds and provide funds to trim the National Park Service’s maintenance backlog.