All Research:
Healthy Public and Private Lands
Hitting a Brick Wall
Why the federal government is reluctant to outsource park operations.
Franchising Parks
Is outsourcing parks a key to solving the National Park Service’s financial problems?
The Bear, The Bison, and The Business of Yellowstone
Capturing the economic value of wildlife—for the benefit of wildlife.
Breaking the Backlog
Can public-private partnerships tackle the park maintenance backlog?
Landowners Are Our Friends
How hunters helped develop the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation and saved America’s wildlife from the “tragedy of the commons.”
Stephen Mather’s Ghost
Revisiting the consensus for national parks.
The Future of Big-Game Hunting in Zimbabwe
On MSNBC’s Sports Matters, Terry Anderson discusses hunting as a tool for conservation.
How Trophy Hunting Can Save Lions
If legal trophy hunting is banned, what will happen to the protected land that is conserved by hunting profits?
How Free Market Environmentalism is Transforming Parks
Free market ideas can continue to make “America’s best idea” even better.