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Those who know me will not be surprised by the topic of this column, given that hunting season is in full swing. Why I have such a passion for hunting was captured beautifully by Jon Christensen, a visiting PERC journalist fellow, who spent a chilly evening with me listening to five or six big bullContinue reading “Open Access:”
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Success Overdue at The Quincy Library

  Enthusiasm surged recently in southwestern Washington when a community coalition announced that it had come up with a plan for logging Gifford Pinchot National Forest that was supported by environmentalists and industry officials alike. “We’ve identified the common ground . . . and hope the Forest Service will use this model,” said coalition memberContinue reading “Success Overdue at The Quincy Library”
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The Endangered Species Act Needs a Better Definition

Headwaters News January 5, 2005  By Randy T. Simmons At the Western Governors Association’s two-day Executive Summit on the Endangered Species Act, I told the governors that the Endangered Species Act is broken – that it was born broken. The ESA is based on a flawed understanding of the Americas at Columbian contact and onContinue reading “The Endangered Species Act Needs a Better Definition”
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