All Research:
Innovation in Wildlife Management
A Trophy-Hunting Ban Could Hurt Animals More Than It Helps
A proposed congressional ban would starve conservation agencies of revenue.
Free Market Conservation and Environmental Optimism
A podcast on how markets can be harnessed to improve environmental quality.
Hunting Trophy Bans Risk Undermining ’30×30′ and African Wildlife Conservation
While alternatives to trophy hunting are desirable, no viable options currently exist that would adequately replace lost conservation funding.
A Judicial Threat to Conservation
The recent nullification of environmental regulations by a federal court sets a dangerous precedent.
Wildlife Conservation is Key to the Success of Biden’s African Reset
A task ahead for the Biden administration will be to heal the wildlife trade rift between the U.S. and the SADC.
Public Comment on Establishing Experimental Populations Outside a Species’ Historic Range
Successful introduction efforts will require making species an asset to landowners, rather than a liability.
Rhino Poaching and Assassination Highlight Need for Private Wildlife Conservancies to Move Beyond Tourism
Carbon markets offer a potentially promising avenue to boost profits for private African wildlife conservancies.
The Role of Private Lands in Conserving Yellowstone’s Wildlife in the Twenty-First Century
This paper identifies the necessary conditions for a successful expansion of private-lands conservation in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.
The Case for Tradeable Permits in Dead Birds
A push toward wind energy threatens to kill more eagles. Markets can help.