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Innovation in Wildlife Management
Free Market Environmentalism Offers a Different Shade of Green
A podcast on how a cooperative approach to conservation offers more sustainable solutions.
PERC Film Elk in Paradise Wins Prestigious Award
PERC’s short film Elk in Paradise: Rancher, Ecologist, Hunter has won the Atlas Network’s Lights, Camera, Liberty Film Festival Award!
Public Comment on the Rescission of “Habitat” Definition
Repealing the current habitat definition would not only exacerbate conflict but also distract from better methods to promote habitat restoration.
Public Comment on the Proposed Rescission of the Exclusion Rule
Critical habitat designations can make habitat features a significant liability for private landowners.
Testimony Before the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works on the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act
Successful wildlife conservation depends on respecting property rights and making species an asset rather than a liability.
PERC Reports: Winter 2021
This special edition of PERC Reports brings together researchers, practitioners, and policy experts—and even some “Yellowstone” cast members—to better understand the issues of the Rocky Mountain West.
‘Oh, I’ll Keep ‘em Out’
Good fences make good ranchers
‘Yellowstone’ and the Endangered Species Act
Incentives for species recovery need more carrot and less stick
Securing a Future for Wolves in the West
Addressing the financial liability, creating an economic asset