All Research:
Innovation in Wildlife Management
How Not to Protect Endangered Species
The Biden administration is taking the wrong approach in its efforts to help threatened wildlife.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Moves to Rescind Rule Defining “Habitat”
The proposed repeals are likely to exacerbate conflict and alienate private landowners on whom species recovery depends.
Property Rights Can Save the Environment
A podcast on free market environmentalism and the not-so-wild West.
Western Conservation Principles
A podcast by the Congressional Western Caucus on the importance of locally-led and voluntary conservation efforts.
Montana’s Wildlife Depends On Private Sector Partners
Montana is changing, and it needs new policy tools to conserve the natural wonders that make it The Last Best Place.
Public Comment Supporting American Prairie Reserve’s Bison Change of Use
PERC weighs in on how to encourage voluntary conservation by private landowners.
Transferable Landowner Hunting Tags Have Potential
Montana needs new, collaborative solutions that address the needs of landowners while enhancing wildlife conservation.
Transferable Hunting Permit Programs Can Be a Vital Tool for Conservation
PERC’s latest policy brief reviews several different state transferable hunting tag programs and identifies how best to craft a program that promotes wildlife habitat conservation.
Conserving Wildlife Habitat with Landowner Hunting Permits
Lessons from western states to enhance voluntary conservation on private lands.