All Research:
Innovation in Wildlife Management
Public Comment on the Wild Horse and Burro Adoption Incentive Program
The BLM and the Wild Horse and Burro Program should focus their efforts on assuring and enhancing the integrity of the Adoption Incentive Payment program through enforcement, rather than heeding calls to dismantle the program as a whole.
Threatened Rule Improves Incentives to Recover Endangered Species
The 2019 threatened species rule improves incentives. With it under attack, it is critical that states, communities, landowners, and conservationists come to its defense—and that cooler heads at the Fish and Wildlife Service ultimately prevail.
Don’t Reject Trump’s Endangered Species Rules Outright
When it comes to endangered species policy, the question is not whether rules are more or less stringent, but whether they provide the incentives needed to recover species.
Endangered Species Recovery Requires Flexibility, Not Strict Regulations
Reverting to stringent regulations under the Endangered Species Act gets the incentives wrong for species recovery.
A Strong Start for America the Beautiful
As a starting point, the preliminary principles of the America the Beautiful campaign focus on collaboration, voluntary efforts, incentives, local leadership, and honoring property rights.
Testimony Before the U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources Hearing on Wildlife Trafficking
Catherine Semcer testifies before the U.S. House on ways to reduce illegal wildlife trade.
Improving America’s Ecological Security Requires Public-Private Partnerships
Efforts like the 30 by 30 initiative have the best chance of delivering the kind of conservation America needs when the government engages with the private sector as an equal partner.
Free Market Environmentalism and the Tragedy of the Commons
A podcast on the role of markets in producing good environmental outcomes.
Oral Testimony Before the Montana House Committee on Fish, Wildlife, and Parks in Support of H.B. 505
Expanding landowner hunting tag opportunities is one potential tool that would help offset the costs of elk, make them less of a liability, and promote tolerance and habitat conservation.