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Innovation in Wildlife Management
Free Market Environmentalism vs. Political Environmentalism
A podcast comparing the merits and shortcomings of different approaches to addressing environmental challenges.
A Rare Point of Bipartisan Agreement on Reducing Bureaucracy
A proposed Endangered Species Act reform may represent a point of agreement across presidential administrations.
Cato Daily Podcast: Why Won’t the Feds Acknowledge that the Gray Wolf is Recovered?
A podcast on the gray wolf’s recovery and the challenge of species delisting.
Misinformation About Trophy Hunting Threatens Conservation
Banning trophy hunting without viable alternatives would imperil biodiversity and undermine local communities.
Federal Regulations Sometimes Stymie Efforts to Recover Formerly Endangered Species
Maintaining a realistic offramp from the Endangered Species Act is essential to spurring long-term recovery efforts.
Regulations Won’t Save America’s Favorite Butterfly
The default approach to endangered-species policy should be to reward—or at the very least, to avoid punishing—people who provide important and hospitable habitats.
The Key to Recovering the Monarch is to Reward Private Landowners
While the monarch’s plight is cause for alarm, that the species has not been formally listed may not be.
To Recover Endangered Species, Reduce Conflict and Reward Landowners Who Restore Habitat
Recovering endangered and threatened species ultimately depends on broader reforms that respect property rights and provide the right incentives to private landowners.
Property Rights, Not Politics
Conservation pursued through markets and property rights is protected from shifting political winds.