All Research:
Innovation in Wildlife Management
Critical Habitat’s Unique ‘Private Land Problem’
Critical habitat designations that penalize private citizens for essential features found on their land discourage them from maintaining or restoring habitat, benefiting neither property owners nor rare species.
The Gray Wolf Leads the Way for Other Endangered Species
The wolf population’s decades of impressive and steady growth are an important reminder of the power of incentives.
Addressing Brucellosis Will Help Ranchers and Wildlife
In order to conserve migration corridors, we must reduce the liability of elk borne by landowners by addressing the risk of brucellosis.
Unlike Politics, Property Rights Provide a Firm Foundation for Conservation
Conservation pursued through the market and property rights is protected from shifting political winds.
Atlas Nexus Podcast: Brian Yablonski on Free Market Environmentalism and Endangered Species
A podcast exploring PERC’s work on endangered species conservation and recovery.
Public Comment on Regulations for Designating Critical Habitat
PERC weighs in on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s proposed rule change regarding critical habitat under the Endangered Species Act.
Conservation, Communities, and Covid-19
An Interview with Fulton Mangwanya, Director General of the Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority.
Randy Newberg’s Hunt Talk: Private Land, Public Wildlife
A podcast on the role of private lands in stewarding our public wildlife.
Thank a Hunter
It’s incredibly important that we actively support hunting and angling not only because they’re a part of Montana’s identity, but because our wild places need the resources.