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Innovation in Wildlife Management
Market Solutions to Environmental Problems
A podcast on the merits of free market environmentalism.
Public Comment on 5-Year Status Review of the Grizzly Bear
PERC weighs in on the listing status of the grizzly bear, specifically addressing the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem population.
Speeding Up Environmental Reviews is Good for the Economy and the Environment
The delays and expense associated with an overly bureaucratic process pose real environmental costs.
Saving Africa’s Lions Will Rely on Evidence Around Trophy Hunting, Not Emotion
We must take the time to separate facts from propaganda and listen to scientists and stakeholders to avoid prioritizing emotions over evidence.
“Less fortunate citizens have property rights, too.”
Property rights play a critical role in protecting both people and the environment.
Saving Endangered Species Through Markets
A podcast on a market-based approach to improving the Endangered Species Act.
Let’s Talk Endangered Species
It’s important that we maintain a backstop on extinction, but we also have to consider the incentives for recovery.
Greening Globalilzation
The loss of biodiversity is a top risk to the global economy. Reducing that risk depends on securing property rights and embracing free trade.
Preserving Yellowstone’s Majestic Migration
A podcast on the importance of Yellowstone’s wildlife migration and how we can help preserve it.