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Innovation in Wildlife Management
Public Comment on Proposals to Improve the Endangered Species Act
PERC weighs in on efforts to “improve and modernize” the Endangered Species Act.
Consider the Dusky Gopher Frog
Protect endangered species by turning them into assets.
Who Pays When Eagles Eat Livestock?
Why transaction costs matter.
Proposed Reforms to the Endangered Species Act
AUDIO: Jonathan Wood on NPR’s On Point discussing proposed reforms to the Endangered Species Act.
Property Owners for Regulation?
We can better align the incentives for property owners to conserve endangered species.
Changing the Endangered Species Act Could Actually Help Conservation
Avoiding conflicts over endangered species could allow states, landowners and conservationists to work more proactively to recover species.
Collaborative Conservation For the Lesser Prairie Chicken
Could such efforts soon help more species?
PERC Reports: Summer 2018
The challenges of species recovery and how to provide incentives that can overcome those challenges.
Hotel California
When wildlife conservation success becomes bad news.