All Research:
Innovation in Wildlife Management
Reining in the BLM’s Wild Horse Crisis
Wild horse and burro management is a nuanced and emotional issue that requires more than a one-size-fits-all solution.
The Monkey Selfie Case
An example of how litigation-driven environmentalism falls short when resolving conservation conflicts.
Prevention and Recovery
Yes, the Endangered Species Act prevents extinction. But why don’t we recover more species?
The Road to Recovery
How restoring the Endangered Species Act’s two-step process can prevent extinction and promote recovery.
Recovering the Utah Prairie Dog
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service chooses cooperation over conflict.
The Elephant Trophy Ban That Wasn’t
After dizzying flip-flops, will the US continue to support hunting-based conservation programs?
What Will a Reconsideration of Critical Habitat Regulations Mean for Conservation?
Settling a lawsuit brought by 20 states, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will reconsider critical habitat regulations. What will this mean for conservation?
Worried About Cuts to the ESA Listing Budget?
Environmentalists should have the option of chipping in to expedite decisions.
When Wildlife Is a Zero-Sum Proposition
In Kenya, wildlife policy increasingly threatens rural communities—and the species it intends to protect.