All Research:
Innovation in Wildlife Management
The Elephant Trophy Ban That Wasn’t
After dizzying flip-flops, will the US continue to support hunting-based conservation programs?
What Will a Reconsideration of Critical Habitat Regulations Mean for Conservation?
Settling a lawsuit brought by 20 states, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will reconsider critical habitat regulations. What will this mean for conservation?
Worried About Cuts to the ESA Listing Budget?
Environmentalists should have the option of chipping in to expedite decisions.
When Wildlife Is a Zero-Sum Proposition
In Kenya, wildlife policy increasingly threatens rural communities—and the species it intends to protect.
Sharing-Economy Conservation
Why technology solves complex environmental problems better than regulation.
Markets and the Environment: Friends or Foes?
The environmental movement will have to rely more on market solutions if we wish to conserve our precious natural resources.
Voluntary Conservation to the Gopher Tortoise’s Rescue
A new initiative in Georgia shows a better way to do conservation.
Can Land That Isn’t Habitat Be Regulated as ‘Critical Habitat’?
The U.S. Supreme Court hops into dusky gopher frog case.
Can States Be Trusted to Protect Rare Species?
Give states greater freedom to experiment with novel ways to recover species.