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Innovation in Wildlife Management
Can Federalism’s Flexibility Recover Endangered Species?
The Endangered Species Act creates lots of work for lawyers and bureaucrats, but measured by the criteria it announces as the goal—recovering species—it hasn’t worked.
Kill Regulations to Save the Sage Grouse
Science Supports Removing Grizzly Bear Endangered Species Protection
Is the enforcement of the Endangered Species Act scientifically or politically based?
Contracting for Conservation
As public land battles simmer, a new private model emerges to pay ranchers to conserve wildlife.
Trading Water for Trout
WATCH: Trout Unlimited helps agricultural producers leave water instream to enhance fish habitat.
You Can’t Drag Them Away
Private Conservation Might Be the Future Hero for Endangered Species
Instead of punishing private landowners, we should do more to incentivize voluntary conservation of endangered species and their habitats.
Endangered Species Depend on Private Land, So Why Treat Landowners as the Enemy?
Instead of counterproductive regulations, we need more creativity, partnerships, and positive incentives to preserve and restore habitat.
Will Capitalism Save the Rhino?
If preserving the species is the goal, free markets and property rights can succeed where regulation and wishful thinking have failed.