All Research:
Innovation in Wildlife Management
The Lion in the Room
To protect lions and other endangered species, we must harness the tools of free market environmentalism to resolve human-wildlife conflict.
Property Rights to Fish
When it comes to protecting fisheries, not all property rights are created equal.
Fishing With Property Rights
ITQs eliminate the race-to-fish atmosphere plaguing fisheries. With a secure right to a specific amount of fish each year, each fisherman can focus on harvesting that amount of fish as inexpensively as possible and at a time when it should bring the highest value.
Indonesia Under Fire
Forest fires are raging across Southeast Asia, in what is being called “the biggest environmental crime of the twenty-first century.” A lack of property rights is partly to blame for the smoke and fires that plague the area.
Market Magic: Hunt Lions to Save Lions
Every time hunting is banned, we end up with fewer animals. From lions and bison, to marine fisheries, John Stossel interviews Terry Anderson about property rights approaches to species conservation.
Isle Royale’s Wolf Dilemma
The park’s wolf woes spur bigger questions of managing wilderness.
The Bear, The Bison, and The Business of Yellowstone
Capturing the economic value of wildlife—for the benefit of wildlife.
Landowners Are Our Friends
How hunters helped develop the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation and saved America’s wildlife from the “tragedy of the commons.”
The Future of Big-Game Hunting in Zimbabwe
On MSNBC’s Sports Matters, Terry Anderson discusses hunting as a tool for conservation.