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Innovation in Wildlife Management
Saving African Rhinos
AUDIO: In 1900, the southern white rhinoceros was the most endangered of the five rhinoceros species. Less than 20 rhinos remained in a single reserve in South Africa. By 2010, white rhino numbers had climbed to more than 20,000, making it the most common rhino species on the planet.
CCD and the Market for Bees
Wally Thurman talks bees with John Batchelor.
Whale Fisheries, a Property Rights Alternative
On the John Batchelor Show, Gary Libecap discusses the property rights alternative to international whaling agreements. This catch-share alternative would give individuals a stake in the whale fishery, which would likely improve the stock and lead to its long-term health.
Raising Coral, Restoring Reefs
PERC Enviropreneur Institute alum Brett Howell is developing a market for coral reef restoration off Florida’s coast. If the reefs rebound and new coral grows, they will not only improve the habitat for marine animals but also improve business prospects for dive shops, fishing boats, and ocean side hotels and restaurants.
Namibia’s Twenty-year Experiment with Fisheries
Laura Huggins speaks on the John Batchelor Show about Namibia’s twenty-year experiment with an exclusive fishing zone, and how that has improved the local fisheries.
One step forward, two steps back on World Oceans Day
US Congress passes legislation opposing catch share fisheries one of the most promising management schemes for protecting fisheries and marine habitat
The sport of kings
By Terry Anderson I am planning a trip to Spain to archery hunt for Spanish ibex, a magnificent wild goat. The hunt will cost several thousand dollars, not counting the money for airfare, hotels, and food. I’m wondering, however, if I should still go or cancel the trip and follow the lead of Spain’s KingContinue reading “The sport of kings”
Sammy’s Suzuki
Maasai are incresaing their incomes by using a portion of their grazing land for wildlife viewing by tourists.
Bye, bye bison
Just as the market brought the bison to near extinction, so too has it brought them back from the brink.