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Public Lands and Outdoor Recreation
Managing Forest Litigation
Reforming litigation will improve the ability to effectively put resources to work in our forests.
PERC Reports: Winter 2021
This special edition of PERC Reports brings together researchers, practitioners, and policy experts—and even some “Yellowstone” cast members—to better understand the issues of the Rocky Mountain West.
The ‘Yellowstone’ We Know
Art imitating life, and life imitating art
Good Neighbor Authority
Continuing Good Neighbor Authority as a tool for forest management will help conserve Montana’s forests and reduce the costs Montanans bear each fire season.
Environmentalists Should Be Able to Bid for Oil Leases
Getting rid of use-it-or-lose-it rules will be a win-win for free markets and the environment.
Litigating to Make Forest Management Worse
Managing forests is more than putting out fires, and excessive litigation can make the risk and consequences of wildfire worse.
Getting Bureaucrats Out of the Way of Forest Management
It’s time for Montana to reassess what it can do to reduce future wildfire risk.
Fireproofing America’s Forests
Restoration projects can lessen the severity of wildfires—but bureaucratic red tape too often gets in the way.
Property Rights Can Save the Environment
A podcast on free market environmentalism and the not-so-wild West.