All Research:
Public Lands and Outdoor Recreation
A Better Way to Fund Conservation and Recreation
Federal oil and gas revenues have generated funding for the great outdoors for decades, but the model warrants reconsideration.
Enhancing the Public Lands Recreation Fee System
Visitors are already helping public lands flourish by contributing revenues that support recreation. Reforms could improve management and benefit visitors even more.
Fixing National Park Maintenance For the Long Haul
Addressing overdue maintenance is vital, but the root of the problem is a lack of attention to routine maintenance.
A Tale of Two States
How Colorado has found innovative approaches to protecting homes in the wake of increasing wildfire risks
San Francisco Should Pay Yosemite the Dam Rent
The century-old agreement between the city and the national park over the use of Hetch Hetchy Reservoir demands an update.
Randy Newberg’s Hunt Talk: Private Land, Public Wildlife
A podcast on the role of private lands in stewarding our public wildlife.
How Should We Think About Wildfires?
We must find ways to increase government accountability, reduce regulatory obstacles to active management, and bring private ingenuity and resources to bear on the problem.
A Private Solution to Wildfire Risk
As wildfire response and wildfire suppression engulf more of the USFS’s already strained budget, private solutions can offer quick and decisive answers.
Manage Forests for Timber, Not Tinder
Timber harvesting can reduce catastrophic wildfire risk and provide a stream of sustainable material for green construction.