All Research:
Public Lands and Outdoor Recreation
Why Don’t Environmentalists Just Buy the Land They Want To Protect? Because It’s Against the Rules.
Regulation and litigation rule the day, but sometimes cash should be king.
Look to History to Reform the Antiquities Act
Shifting responsibility for protecting federal lands back to Congress can reduce conflict while promoting deliberation and compromise.
Leave Park Operations—and Fee Revenues—to the Parks
Empowering local land managers to spend the revenues they have generated on their greatest needs can help provide the resources to care for our shared lands properly.
Cato Daily Podcast: Let Conservationists Compete for Use of Federal Lands
A podcast on the potential to open bidding markets to conservationists.
PERC Executive Director Proposes Solutions to Bring the LWCF Into the 21st Century
Brian Yablonski testifies before the U.S. Senate on ways to improve the Land and Water Conservation Fund.
Bringing the LWCF Into the 21st Century
Brian Yablonski’s testimony before the U.S. Senate on ways to improve the Land and Water Conservation Fund.
Trails Day Highlights Need for Dedicated Recreation Funding
Increased visitation represents an opportunity for hikers to put their money where their footprints are and help fund public lands directly.
How We Pay to Play: Funding Outdoor Recreation on Public Lands in the 21st Century
If the enthusiasm for enjoying public lands can be better channeled into user-funded mechanisms that support the maintenance and improvement of them, then outdoor recreationists of all stripes would have much to gain.
Urbane Cowboys Podcast: Earth Day with Holly Fretwell
A podcast about free market environmentalism.