All Research:
Public Lands and Outdoor Recreation
During National Park Week, Remember that Our Parks Need Our Help
With creative approaches we can fill our parks’ financial hole and keep from digging a new one.
The Option Value of Conservation
Is a tree more valuable if harvested now, in a decade, or not at all? These questions tee up the issue of option value.
A Breakthrough for Wild Horses in the West?
Using ideas from PERC research, the BLM recently announced a new program to increase wild horse adoptions.
Protecting Wild Horses Will Take a Wild Idea
Incentive payments to promote wild horse and burro adoptions will benefit the animals, our rangelands, and taxpayers.
Will Environmental Regulations Become More Common as Wildfires Worsen?
Environmentalists have something to gain from reducing unnecessary permit burdens.
Why Congress, Not the President, Should Lead on Environmental Protection
When Congress makes environmental decisions the outcome will likely reflect more consensus and compromise than when the executive branch decides.
What Makes Conservation “Collaborative”?
Incentives and voluntary cooperation are a win-win for the greater sage grouse.
Use It or Lose It
Sometimes, productive use of land is beneficial for conservation.
An Antiquated California Water Law Encourages Political Conflict Rather than Market Transactions
Transition policies should end when they outlive their usefulness.