All Research:
Public Lands and Outdoor Recreation
Improving the Land and Water Conservation Fund
The LWCF reauthorization presents an opportunity to address many of the critical needs on existing federal lands and prevent further increases in the government’s deferred maintenance backlog.
NPS Franchise: A Better Way to Protect Our Heritage
In the George Wright Forum, Holly Fretwell offers a new strategy for creating and maintaining new national park areas.
Hitting a Brick Wall
Why the federal government is reluctant to outsource park operations.
Franchising Parks
Is outsourcing parks a key to solving the National Park Service’s financial problems?
The Bear, The Bison, and The Business of Yellowstone
Capturing the economic value of wildlife—for the benefit of wildlife.
Breaking the Backlog
Can public-private partnerships tackle the park maintenance backlog?
Stephen Mather’s Ghost
Revisiting the consensus for national parks.
How Free Market Environmentalism is Transforming Parks
Free market ideas can continue to make “America’s best idea” even better.
Paso Pacifico’s Thin Green Line
Turtle poachers become turtle protectors in Nicaragua.