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Public Lands and Outdoor Recreation
Environmental Protection Up in Smoke
When the wildfires that are burning millions of acres in the West are finally smothered by winter snows, environmentalists undoubtedly will blame climate change. They might look in the mirror instead. Environmental laws since the 1970s require public input into federal land-use decisions including logging on national forests. This has led to lawsuits challenging effortsContinue reading “Environmental Protection Up in Smoke”
Of Moose and Man
That there are moose in Yellowstone today tells us something about nature and our role in it.
An Analysis: Wildfire Management
In the wake of the 2012 Colorado fires, PERC President Terry Anderson and former PERC fellow Sarah Anderson take a look at the motivating forces behind Forest Service fuel management decisions.
Save Rivers, Destroy Trees
PERC Enviropreneur Institute Alum James Workman discusses the water-wildfire nexus and why we should save rivers and destroy trees.
Unnatural forests are depleting water supplies
By Helen M. Poulos and James G. Workman Ronald Reagan once justified logging with “a tree is a tree; how many more do you need to look at?” Besides, he warned, “trees cause more pollution than automobiles.” We cringed at his biases. Yet due to forces none foresaw, Reagan’s gaffes may now ring true. Today,Continue reading “Unnatural forests are depleting water supplies”
To the U.S. Forest Service: Sustaining everything sustains nothing
New Forest Service policy calls for more sustainability even for communities and recreation. Trying to make everything sustainable simply makes no sense.
The Secret Life of Trees: How Pens Are Preserving Old-Growth Forests
Pens from old-growth forests preserve the forest as well as its history.
Vermont schools the nation in woody biomass heating
Discussions of renewable energy typically focus on technologies such as solar panels, wind power, and geothermal. In one state, however, a different conversation is taking shape—one that is focusing on refining an age-old source of renewable energy: wood.
Forest fires thrive on central management
One of our nations greatest resources, its large western forests, is given over to the care of government. Polluted streams, destroyed homes, and wasted assets are the result, even though the responsibility was clearly in our realm. The solution is to allow the resource to be privately owned, not collectively