All Research:
Water Conservation
Building a Groundwater Market From the Bottom Up
Groups in California are working together to build the state’s first groundwater market.
Tribal Energy Resources: Reducing Barriers to Opportunity
PERC’s testimony before the U.S. Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on the Interior, Energy, and Environment’s hearing on tribal energy development.
California Should Turn to Markets to Solve its Water Woes
Improved water markets, rather than political dictates, will reduce conflict while also freeing up water.
Will WOTUS Reform End Wetland Banking?
Wetland banking is a market-friendly way to conserve wetlands and reward landowners who provide public benefits.
Environmental Crusaders or Ambulance Chasers?
The Department of Justice takes on environmental litigation abuse.
Environmental Markets Work Better than Indecipherable Regulations
Free market environmentalism avoids excessive reliance on criminal enforcement and can address environmental issues before they arise.
Smartphones Are Unleashing the Promise of World Water Day
Innovative technologies are increasing access to clean water and reducing waste.
Water Markets as a Response to Climate Change
Several changes to state regulation of surface water could help make its use more efficient and help states adapt better to climate change.
A River Walks Into a Courtroom…
Water markets, and not lawsuits, provide the best means of resolving conflicting demands to the Colorado River’s waters.