All Research:
Water Conservation
Environmental Crusaders or Ambulance Chasers?
Environmental Markets Work Better than Indecipherable Regulations
Smartphones Are Unleashing the Promise of World Water Day
Water Markets as a Response to Climate Change
A River Walks Into a Courtroom…
Water markets, and not lawsuits, provide the best means of resolving conflicting demands to the Colorado River’s waters.
Enviropreneurs at Work: Jamie Workman
James Workman, co-founder of AquaShares, tells the story of water marketing and the resulting conservation benefits.
Murky Water
An update on the ongoing quest to define the “waters of the United States.“
The Supreme Court Wrestles Again With the Clean Water Act’s Due Process Deficit
The Clean Water Act forbids the “discharge” of “pollutants” into “navigable waters.” But none of those terms are interpreted as an ordinary person would.