All Research:
Water Conservation
Who Should Pay for Scenic Rivers?
Riverside riparian areas: public benefit vs. private burden
Trading Water for Trout
WATCH: Trout Unlimited helps agricultural producers leave water instream to enhance fish habitat.
Worried About Droughts? Embrace Water Markets
When water runs low, cooperation on the ground makes the most of it for everyone who wants a share.
Can Markets Handle Invasive Species?
Markets are great at solving the problems of allocating resources for useful things like bread, cars, and iPhones. But what about lionfish?
Give Bears Ears To Native Americans
If tribes are going to get more say in protecting sacred sites, like Bears Ears, they will have to have a greater role than consultation.
A New Landscape: 8 Ideas for the Interior Department
POTUS takes on WOTUS
It took the Obama administration many months to develop, propose, and promulgate its WOTUS rule, and it will take just as long to revise or undo it.