All Research:
Water Conservation
Seagrass Credits For Sale
Enjoyment of the environment is intimately related to healthy water quality conditions for swimming, fishing, and recreation. And at the heart of it all is seagrass.
Enviropreneur in Action – Todd Gartner
Todd Gartner focuses on developing new ways to finance conservation though the use of conservation incentives and market-based strategies.
Enviropreneur in Action – Chris Corbin
Chris Corbin uses water markets for conservation.
Seen, unseen costs of stream access
Watch News In one of the classic essays in economics, Frederic Bastiat describes how breaking a windowpane generates two types of effects: the “seen” and the “unseen.” The seen effect is the window’s repair. A repairman replaces the window and receives payment for this service. Thus, broken windows make window repairmen better off. The unseenContinue reading “Seen, unseen costs of stream access”
Free the Indians
By Jay Ambrose American Indians have agreed to take $3.4 billion of some $200 billion that tribes have said the federal government owes them for mismanagement of trust lands. Not as bad as it could have been when dealing with Washington bureaucrats. But there is much more to be done, such as liberating these peopleContinue reading “Free the Indians”
Water Markets: Why Not More?
At the PERC workshop, scholars presented papers examining why water markets have not developed further than they have and explored how institutional and political barriers might be lowered.
The Emerging Water Crisis in the United States
"Water lubricates the American erconomy just as oil does," says Robert Glennon, author of the new Island Press book Unqunenchable: America’s Water Crisis and What to Do About It. It’s hard to argue with his premise. Just as with oil, supplies of water are finite and are coming under increased stress as populationContinue reading “The Emerging Water Crisis in the United States”
Two Forests Under the Big Sky: Tribal v. Federal Management
In this policy series, Alison Berry contrasts forest management in Montana. In her comparison one forest is operated by the United States Forest Service under the watchful eye of Congress. The other is run by Indian tribes on reservation lands.
Unquenchable: America’s water crisis and what to do about it
The United States must come to terms with its lavish use of water and, at the same time, figure out serious solutions to the immediate problem related to access to water.