All Research:
Water Conservation
Flint River Basin: Wireless Water for Biodiveristy
In drought plagued southwestern Georgia, conservation groups paid farmers to save water for streams by employing more efficient irrigation and wireless technology to measure soil moisture.
Entiat River Habitat Farming: Trading Fruit for Fish
The Habitat Farming Enterprise Program may be able to restore three endangered and threatened fish species to the Columbia River where millions of dollars from government agencies and conservation groups have failed.
Environmental Water Markets: Restoring Streams Through Trade
Water rights have evolved in recent years as parties express desires to sell, lease, or give water for environmental or recreational purposes.
Water Out Of Thin Air
A looming global water crisis has been a springboard for new water generating technology.
Banking on Colorado Water
The consequences could be dire. But they don’t have to be.
Seagrass Credits For Sale
Enjoyment of the environment is intimately related to healthy water quality conditions for swimming, fishing, and recreation. And at the heart of it all is seagrass.
Enviropreneur in Action – Todd Gartner
Todd Gartner focuses on developing new ways to finance conservation though the use of conservation incentives and market-based strategies.
Enviropreneur in Action – Chris Corbin
Chris Corbin uses water markets for conservation.
Seen, unseen costs of stream access
Watch News In one of the classic essays in economics, Frederic Bastiat describes how breaking a windowpane generates two types of effects: the “seen” and the “unseen.” The seen effect is the window’s repair. A repairman replaces the window and receives payment for this service. Thus, broken windows make window repairmen better off. The unseenContinue reading “Seen, unseen costs of stream access”