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Water Conservation
Market Plan Can Ease State Water Shortage
The Orange County RegisterFebruary 16, 1998 By Terry L. Anderson The Issue: Our water programs don’t work well because they are predicated on politics, not market factors. Just as El Nino rains are sending rivers over their banks, the Resources Agency of California has released a draft of the California Water Plan predicting statewide shortagesContinue reading “Market Plan Can Ease State Water Shortage”
Priming the Invisible Pump
Rain and snow may be falling today, but throughout the world, people continually fear the threat of water shortages. Is there too little water for the world's growing population? Are we running out of water?
Water Marketing–The Next Generation
Water Marketing– The Next Generation Terry L. Anderson and Peter J. Hill, Editors With this book, PERC continues to produce innovative solutions to water problems. In addition to considering how institutional impediments to markets might be removed, the volume emphasizes how cross-border allocation can be improved. Specific examples include water marketing in Australia, the centralContinue reading “Water Marketing–The Next Generation”
Water Markets:
Water MarketsPriming the Invisible Pump Terry L. Anderson and Pamela S. Snyder Since Water Crisis: Ending the Policy Drought was first published in 1983, water markets have been transformed from the theoretical to the practical. Today, water marketing is being used to improve both water allocation and water quality. This book details the enormous numberContinue reading “Water Markets:”
Conservation Native American Style
Over the past three decades, the environmental movement has promoted a view of American Indians as the "original conservationists"—that is, "people so intimately bound to the land that they have left no mark upon it."
Georgia’s Groundwater:
Savannah Morning NewsMay 19, 1996 Georgia’s Groundwater: Own It or Lose It By Terry L. Andersonand Pamela S. Snyder The days of cheap, plentiful groundwater are over for Savannah. Heavy pumping in the city and surrounding Chatham County is affecting wells as far away as Hilton Head Island. Both areas share groundwater from the FloridanContinue reading “Georgia’s Groundwater:”
How the Government Keeps Indians in Poverty
Wall Street JournalNov. 22, 1995 By Terry L. Anderson For a few brief weeks this autumn, American Indians were in the news with their protests over the World Series’ teams nicknames. But, as usual, the protests have faded into the background—and the attention was never on the critical social and economic issues, anyway. TheContinue reading “How the Government Keeps Indians in Poverty”
Sovereign Nations or Reservations? An Economic History of American Indians
Sovereign Nations or Reservations? An Economic History of American Indians By Terry L. Anderson Economic analysis debunks the romantic image of American Indians by asserting that historically, American Indian culture was similar to modern Western cultures in its respect for property rights. Anderson calls for increased self-determination, sovereignty and radical reform for American Indians. TerryContinue reading “Sovereign Nations or Reservations? An Economic History of American Indians”
Continental Water Marketing
More Books by PERC Authors and Editors: Beyond Politics: Markets, Welfare, and the Failure of Bureaucracy, by William C. Mitchell and Randy T. Simmons, Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1994. What Everyone Should Know About Economics and Prosperity, James D.Gwartney and Richard L. Stroup Bozeman, MT.: PERC,1993. The Birth of a Transfer Society, by Terry L.Continue reading “Continental Water Marketing”