Environmental Progress: What Every Executive Should Know
A new paper challenges conventional wisdom about the role of business in environmental issues. Written primarily for business executives, it offers new ideas for addressing environmental challenges while keeping a principled commitment to market competition, consumer choice, and innovation.
Do We Get What We Pay For?
“The concern for forests today is not simply that trees will die from bugs or diseases–it is that entire forest systems are so far out of normal ecological range that virtually every element in the system is affected, and may be at risk.”
Bootleggers, Baptists, and Global Warming
When it comes to the treaty negotiations over climate change, Baptists are the environmental groups, and bootleggers are the companies, trade associations, and nations that are seeking favors through the global warming negotiations.
The Common Law: How It Protects the Environment
Unless you are well into middle age or were a precocious student, you probably have little memory of the United States without the Environmental Protection Agency and the host of federal statutes it implements.
Who Will Save the Wild Tiger?
The tiger, which once ranged throughout Asia, faces extinction in the wild. The only way to save it is to provide incentives that make people who live near tigers want to conserve them, says Michael 't Sas-Rolfes.
The Price We Pay
Our nation’s federal land management agencies fail to meet any reasonable standard of fiscal responsibility, making the public foot the bill with hundreds of millions of tax dollars.
The Mining Law of 1872: Digging a Little Deeper
The 1872 Mining Law, which governs the transfer of rights to mine gold, silver, copper, uranium and other hardrock minerals from federal lands, is the subject of continuing and sometimes rancorous controversy.
Back to the Future to Save Our Parks
Our national parks are in trouble. Their roads, historic buildings, visitor facilities, and water and sewer systems are falling apart. What has gone wrong?
Priming the Invisible Pump
Rain and snow may be falling today, but throughout the world, people continually fear the threat of water shortages. Is there too little water for the world's growing population? Are we running out of water?