[…] data from various landowners to discover what tools will be most effective in promoting wildlife conservation. We are conducting surveys across two populations: ranchers in the Upper Yellowstone Watershed and those across the West. Participation in these surveys is voluntary, and respondents may decline to participate or to answer any question. All information is […]
Search results for: yellowstone
Bringing the LWCF Into the 21st Century
[…] recreate on our majestic lands. The backlog for trail maintenance alone across national parks and forests is $740 million. And after spending a day last month in Yellowstone National Park with Superintendent Cam Sholly to see firsthand the deferred maintenance challenges, it is clear employee housing is in poor condition and in need of […]
The Broken Promise of the Grizzly
Living in Yellowstone bear country is a privilege.
A Lesson from Africa
[…] who coexist with animals every day regard them as valuable assets, not liabilities, the survival of wildlife will always be in jeopardy. For many in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem accustomed to seeing conservation victories achieved only through strict federal regulation and government agencies forcefully playing a role in stewardship, it seemed counterintuitive. A decade […]
The Vegetarian’s Dilemma
[…] into the model by empowering us to express our values while also contributing directly to conservation. Consider the response to Wyoming’s planned grizzly hunt after the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem grizzly was declared recovered under the Endangered Species Act—a determination which is the subject of ongoing litigation. Outraged, non-hunting conservationists from the “Shoot ‘em With […]
Conserving Wildlife Migrations Starts With Listening to Landowners
[…] the front end of developing these policies so that as they evolve and advance wildlife are made an economic asset instead of a liability. Consider the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, home to several species that migrate long distances between summer habitat on public lands and critical winter habitat on private lands. According to University of […]
Grizzly Delisting Case Highlights the Crucial Role Incentives Play in Species Conservation
Photo courtesy of NPS. The recovery of the Yellowstone grizzly should be cause for celebration. In 1975, when the bear was listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act, there were only 136 grizzlies left in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Today, there are an estimated 700—a more than fivefold increase. Yet rather than celebrating […]
How We Pay to Play: Funding Outdoor Recreation on Public Lands in the 21st Century
[…] Service generated approximately $126 million from concessions fees. Private donations are another source of funds that can help accomplish beneficial recreation projects on public lands. The nonprofit Yellowstone Forever, for example, granted $5.9 million to Yellowstone National Park in 2018 for more than 50 projects, including fish restoration efforts, trailhead displays, and black bear […]
This Endangered Species Day, We Should Celebrate Species’ Recovery
[…] of positivity, not gloom, to recognize the progress that’s been made and encourage further progress. This year, the poster species for this message could be the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem grizzly. From a mere 135 bears in the 1970s, the population has grown to more than 700 today—likely the ecosystem’s carrying capacity—thanks to the coordinated efforts of federal […]
Grizzly Bear Recovery and Management
[…] the U.S. House Natural Resources Committee – Waters, Oceans, and Wildlife Subcommittee’s hearing on H.R. 2532, the Tribal Heritage and Grizzly Bear Protection Act. Summary The Greater Yellowstone ecosystem grizzly’s recovery is due to the collaboration of federal biologists, states, tribes, conservation groups, and landowners. Congress should encourage these efforts to continue while preserving […]