The Politics and Economics of Park Management examines national protected area systems in both developed and developing countries that have made a transformation from “fortress parks” to a sustainable use model. The contributors–park managers, academics, and members of nongovernmental organizations–contend that successful institutional change in protected area systems involves not only the adoption of appropriate legal and regulatory regimes covering sustainable use, but also the development of an informal culture of sustainable resource use among all of a park’s stakeholders. While this latter requirement is often difficult to achieve, the contributors show how these informal attitudes may evolve over time, within both the management structure of a park agency and the community or resource users. The case studies cited represent examples of successful institutional change, demonstrating both financial and conservation benefits to protected area agencies, which should serve as models for managing parks today.
The Politics and Economics of Park Management
Terry Anderson
Terry L. Anderson is the former president and executive director of PERC, and the John and Jean De Nault Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University.
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